Relay Coffee Roasters - Hamilton Rising

Relay Coffee Roasters

in Food & Drink

Roasting in Hamilton!

Hard to believe it’s been almost 10 years that Relay has been roasting coffee in Hamilton! Jason and Rachel Hofing moved to Hamilton to built their successful community-oriented business!

Today Relay has 2 coffee bars (Hamilton Farmers Market and 590 Concession St), a coffee Fuel Station at Mohawk College, an office/lab and frequent coffee pop-ups around town!

Coffee Connections!

Relay keeps it local with “brew partners” around town serving Relay coffee and selling Relay beans for home brewing. Great restaurants like The French have Relay coffee on the menu.

Be sure to check out the amazing baked goods from Cake and Loaf Bakery, Dolled Up Desserts and Hotti Biscotti to go with your coffee order!

Merit Brewing and Relay recently partnered for an espresso/beer project– the Coffee Porter Series Brew. A local book club holds their meetings at the Concession Street Coffee Bar.

Whether you’re at work or a Hamilton Festival, you’re likely to find a Relay Pop Up Coffee Bar!  Relay prints special cup sleeves to promote events like Hamilton Film Festival and Super Crawl!

“Coffee Brilliance” is the Relay Mantra!

It’s always about the coffee! Relay is committed to small batch, careful roasting. Time and temperature are adjusted according to where the beans were grown. Relay’s globally sourced beans are from Peru, Mexico, Columbia, Ethiopia, Nicaragua, Guatemala and Sumatra, and are certified organic and Fair Trade.

Expertise in brewing and knowledgeable, welcoming baristas make a daily stop at Relay Coffee Bar a treat! Feel free to ask questions, talk coffee with the friendly staff, breathe in the delicious coffee aroma, stay for a while!

If you’re thinking of home brewing, Relay has an excellent selection of brewing equipment and don’t forget your Hamilton roasted beans for home!

Be sure to look for the cool Relay graphic that visually explains what’s in each coffee drink combination.

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