2019 Food Trends

in Food & Drink/Lifestyle

2019 Food Trends!

Food forecasters predict 2019 will bring more vegan and vegetarian cuisine, more food delivery options that ever before, and more people eating insects! Wait! what? Insects? It turns out we already eat insects in processed foods like peanut butter.

Guesstimates claim from 30% up to 80% of the world population enthusiastically eats bugs!. This may be a dicey statistic but it’s a potential mind-opener

Canadian Crickets!

What does cricket mean to you? A cell phone network? A game with balls and bats? Embarrassing silence when you tell a joke? A small leaping insect? High protein food? Bingo!

We haven’t found a Hamilton eatery yet where you can sample cricket cuisine, but if you head to Toronto you’ll find a few tempting choices. Visit Cookie Martinez http://cookiemartinez.com at Toronto’s “Future Food Salons”! At the Distillery’s El Catrin http://elcatrin.ca you can add crickets to your guacamole apps.

Take a modest step into the world of cricket protein with energy bars and crackers. Cricket flour/powder is incorporated into bars by Canadian companies Coast Protein  http://coastprotein.com  B.C. and Crickstart  http://crickstart.com in Montreal. Both sell online.

There are Hamilton spots where you can find cricket food products. The Mustard Seed Co-op offers Criskstart bars and crackers.  http://mustardseed.coop

Order Crickstart bars and Coast Protein Flour from GoodnessMe http://goodnessme.ca It’s a short trip to Loblaws  http://loblaws.ca for President’s Choice cricket flour on the shelf or order online.

Ontario Cricket Farming!

Entomo Farms (est 2010) in Norwood, Ontario is raising crickets and selling to retailers, restaurants and online customers. Their website offers a ton of educational information. http://entomofarms.com

The Big Question – Why Eat Crickets? 

This Ted Talk highlights the many benefits best! What do you think?

Ted Talk On Insects


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