Hamilton 2019 Arts Awards

in Hamont/Music & Art

Hamilton 2019 Arts Awards Nominations Now Open until February 15, 2019!

Jen Anisef, Cultural Projects Specialist, Public Art and Projects, Tourism and Culture, City of Hamilton sent us the following announcement to share!

The City of Hamilton Arts Awards is now accepting nominations of artists and arts community leaders for the 2019 program.  The annual program promotes pride in Hamilton’s arts community by inspiring success, fostering growth and celebrating the artistic excellence that enhances quality of life in our city.

This program is one of the oldest municipal arts awards programs in Canada and honours over 20 emerging and established Hamilton artists each year, including musicians, visual artists, and arts community leaders.

Citizens nominate artists for consideration by independent juries who choose 20 Emerging and Established artists to honour for their excellence in 11 arts disciplines. The Shirley M. Elford Artist’s Fund at the Hamilton Community Foundation is once again presenting the Shirley Elford Emerging Artist Prize in conjunction with the Arts Awards program; in 2019 two Prizes will be awarded to emerging artists in Performing Arts and Dance, and Music.

All nominees are promoted as part of the Arts Awards program, and each successful nominee is presented with a cash award of $1,000 to $2,500 and civic recognition.

Nominations for Arts Awards are now being accepted and we are encouraging nominations from communities across Hamilton.

Nominators can go online at hamilton.ca/artsawards to complete and submit an online nomination form.  Hard copies are available at the Tourism Hamilton Visitor Information Centre, Lister Building, 28 James St. North, Ground Floor.

Nomination submission deadline is February 15, 2019.

The Arts Awards will be presented at a public event on June 13, 2019 as part of Hamilton Arts Week– details to be announced.

If you have questions about the Arts Awards Program, contact Jen Anisef, Cultural Projects Specialist, Tourism and Culture Division at 905-546-2424 ext. 7612 or jen.anisef@hamilton.ca.

Stay informed about the City of Hamilton Arts Awards:

Join the Arts Awards e-mail list by emailing us at artsawards@hamilton.ca

Visit our website hamilton.ca/artsawards

Follow us on Facebook: CityofHamiltonArtsAwards

Follow us on Twitter: @HamArtsAwards  #HAA2019

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