Hamilton Victory Gardens - Hamilton Rising

Hamilton Victory Gardens

in Food & Drink/Hamont

Gardening for our Neighbors!

More than 350 Hamilton Victory Gardens Volunteers grow food every summer for our community! The 18 urban garden sites are located throughout the city, giving easy assess for helpers to stop by. The season begins in February in the greenhouse, moves to planting in May and harvesting through November!

All urban garden harvests go directly to local food banks and food programs. The Victory Gardens work with partners to involve a diverse community in urban gardening, as well as educating folks about the many benefits of gardening.

Hamilton Victory Gardens started in 2011 with one vacant lot turned into a garden, and has grown to 18 urban gardens this year.

Come to the Planting Party!

May 26th is the season opener! Come to the party, lend a hand, learn more about the Victory Gardens, meet the happy gardeners and consider signing up to help this summer!

The Planting Party will be at 2 garden sites–Cancord 330 Mary Street and St Helens 785 Brittania Ave.

There will be a free (or pay what you can) Yoga Lesson at 10:30am at the St Helen’s garden. All proceeds go to the Gardens.

Can I Volunteer?

Hamilton Victory Gardens is almost entirely a volunteer organization, so there are many ways to be involved. You can start by offering to “drop in” at a garden site when you have time (usually a Tuesday or Wednesday evening and/or Saturday morning), or you can commit to a schedule for the season.

If planting and harvesting isn’t your thing, you can volunteer to organize or help with an event, lend a hand in the office or sit on the board.

The Victory Gardens website has an easy application to fill out and you’ve started the process. Urban Gardening is social, therapeutic and fun and produces needed healthy food for neighbors.





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